
Friday 27 February 2015

Metasploit Installation in Ubuntu & Linux Mint!! EASY WAY!!

What the heck is metasploit project ??
>>> The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development.
Basically metasploit is a framework packed with exploits of various vulnerabilities !

Using unstable linux like kali and backtrack(so called the most advanced penetration testing distribution) is pain in ass !
so guys in this post i'm gonna show you how to install metasploit framework(quite popular in pentesters, hackers, crackers, n00bs ) in Ubuntu and Linux mint .. so let's get started!!

First of all i need you to go to this link
Your window must look like this

now you are on the official website of metasploit
next you have to do is to click on the blue button that says free metasploit download !!
after clicking on the button you will be redirected to rapid7 website now you have two options
1.) Metasploit Pro Version
2.) Metasploit Community Version

Pro version is not the free one but community version is free.. So just click on the box that says download community version of metasploit on rapid7 website!
Now you have to provide some personal information like email id and all such things and you will get the installer which is for the 64-bit version of linux ..

Now after downloading the installer go and right click on the installer and make it executable
By checking the options in permission tab that says allow executing file as program like in the picture below

I have already checked the option in the picture above ! Now double click the installer and run it .. and then it will be installed in your system!
You will get a web interface on your localhost where you will make a account and from next time you will need id-password to login :)

The web interface will look somewhat like the pic below

And to start metasploit console i.e. msfconsole in linux mint type the following command in terminal

BTW now i'm going to show you my favorate banner in metasploit 

Also i'm going to embbed a youtube video for you guys 

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading this article :)